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Create Unique Case Id Prefixes for Different Company Roles

Every ID consists of 2 parts, a prefix and the id itself <prefix>-<ID>. The prefix identifies what the ID is in the system and allows you to map different prefixes to different item types.

For instance, if you are migrating away from a system, you could import all cases with an old prefix of "ZEN" within your API. This allows you to not have to worry about id conflicts when dealing with multiple systems.

This article describes how to create unique company prefixes for different company roles within the system.

Important: Case id's will only be assigned these prefix ids if the customer is associated on case creation (email, portal, manually).  If a company is associated after the case was created, the case id prefix will not change.

Create a New ID Mapping

  1. Click on “Configuration → API → ID Mapping”.
  2. Click on “New Mapping” at the top right hand corner.
  3. Select the new prefix you would like for your company role. i.e. “B1”.
  4. Select the “Case” type.
  5. Save your new ID mapping.

Create a New Customer Role

  1. Click on “Configuration → Customers → Customer Role”.
  2. Click on “New Role” at the top right hand corner.
  3. Name your role and select the new ID prefix created above.
  4. Save your new role.

Associate a Customer to Your Role

  1. Click on “Configuration → Customers → Companies”.
  2. Search and click for the company you want to add the role to.
  3. Within the company edit box, click on the tab “Roles” and select the role you want to associate to.

    Important: You can assign multiple roles to a company but only the first role associated will be used for the mapping.  It's recommended if you require specific company prefixes to only assign one role to a company.
  4. Save your company.


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