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Supportbench and Intercom Integration


Adding another newcomer to the list of our integrations – Intercom. This is a native integration that requires very little setup. This integration will allow all intercom chats to be created as cases within your bench, allowing you to respond to the provided intercom email within your bench, to track cases and collect survey data. 


How does it work?

  • Initiated chats will get created as cases.
  • Chats are created as chat activities with the chat summary within it.
  • Offline chats within Intercom are converted into cases and sent into the default queue.
  • Chat surveys are recorded against the activity for dashboard and analytics.

What are the benefits?

Our integration will allow you to save time and resources by being able to see all intercom data within your bench.  This includes collecting data such as chat surveys and creating chat activties for all intercom messages sent to you. Go ahead and respond to your chats within your bench, as well. Use the collected data to pinpoint exactly where your focus should be.




The intercom/Supportbench setup is so simple!

  1. Navigate to configuration > Integrations and click “Intercom”
  2. Next, click the “Connect with Intercom” slack button
  3. Follow the steps, set up your email and voila. As easy as that!
  4. After completing all the steps, circle back around to your SB Intercom configuration, and fill out the variables as you desire.
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