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Case View Interface

The case view is the main view the case itself.  It consists of various sections which gives you a bunch of options when dealing with a case.


Section Summary
Case Number and Data View and update all case details here.
Activities and Count List of all activities and their counts.  Click on an activity to view it.
Attachments If there are any attachments to the current activity, they will be displayed here.
Actions and Article Links All extended actions on a case such as Escalate, De-Escalate, Merge, Linking, Article associations.
Contact Summary A summary of the contact, and all contact actions in regards to the case.
Company Summary A summary of the company, and all company actions in regards to the case.
Calendar Create calendar events related to the case.
Case Discussion Discuss the case with other users that's not attached as an activity itself.
Audit Trail View all events on the case.
Case Transfer Transfer a case to another agent or queue.
Case Watchers Watch and view all watchers on the case.
Apply Template Apply a template to the case properties. 
Next Case You Own Go to the next case that requires your attention that you own.
Next Case Go to the next case that requires your attention that you either own or thats within your work queues.


Activity Actions

Section Summary
New Activity Create a new activity which could be a custom type, or an internal note, or a new outbound email.
Reply to Email Reply to an inbound or outbound email.
Reply to All Recipients of Email Reply to all recipients in the inbound or outbound email.
Forward Activity Forward the activity as an email.
Create Article Create a new knowledge base article based on this activity copying the case meta data to the article.
Submit JIRA update If you have JIRA integration, you can comment directly on an issue just like an activity.




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