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Workflow - trigger based on agent or queue working hours

What is working hours

Working hours are the times of day an agent, queue, or team is available.  These working times can be set to allow workflows to check an items availability.

How to set an agents availability

  1. On the main navigation, click on “Configuration” → “Organization” → “Agents
  2. Click on an agent to update.
  3. Select the working days, hours, and timezone.
  4. Save the agent.

How to set a queues availability

  1. On the main navigation, click on “Configuration” → “Organization” → “Queues
  2. Click on a queue to update.
  3. Select the working days, hours, and timezone.
  4. Save the queue.

How to set a teams availability

  1. On the main navigation, click on “Configuration” → “Organization” → “Teams
  2. Click on a team to update.
  3. Select the working days, hours, and timezone.
  4. Save the team.

How to create a workflow

On the top navigation menu, click on “Configuration” → “Workflows”.

  1. Add a new workflow.
  2. Give your workflow a name and click on the rules tab on the left.
  3. Select when the workflow should trigger.
  4. Within the requirements or conditionals section, search for availability and select whether the item should be during its availability or not.
  5. Save the workflow.



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