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2017.12.01 - Supportbench Release

It has been a busy month and there are some great things that have been added over the month. Please have a review of all of the new features and improvements.  Some notable features are shown below. 

If you have something to add, please contact our team, we would love to fix or add features that make your experience better.


Pasting of clipboard images / screen shots directly into the editor

You can now paste images directly into the Case and Article editors without having to upload first. 


Toolbar button to upload images inline into the Case and Article editors

Rather than uploading from within the files tabs within the case and article editors, you can click on the "Insert images inline" toolbar button to upload and insert an existing image.


Create new linked cases from an existing case

Within the actions tab in the case view, select the option "Create a new linked case".  The new case screen will appear and will auto link to the case once created.


Incoming customer sentiment analysis from text

Supportbench now will determine the sentiment or mood of incoming activities and display them per activity.


Restrict workflows to run on certain times and days

When restricting a workflow by time and date, the workflow will be excluded from firing during that time.


Split activities off into a new case

Within the actions tab in the case view, select the option "Split loaded activity to a new case".  The case details will be copied along with the activity.


    New Feature

    • [SB-360] - Ability to create a new linked case from an existing case
    • [SB-361] - Include linked cases within the case summary within the case view
    • [SB-362] - Include linked articles within the case summary within the case view
    • [SB-364] - New dashboard widget showing incoming channel / activity types
    • [SB-365] - New dashboard widget showing NPS score
    • [SB-366] - Add / Show activity customer sentiment score on incoming activities (email / portal)
    • [SB-371] - Ability to restrict work-flows based on time of day
    • [SB-372] - Ability to restrict work-flows based on the day of the week
    • [SB-374] - Add new agent role option with the ability to limit them to view only cases they own
    • [SB-377] - New dashboard widget showing the most found words on incoming activities
    • [SB-378] - New dashboard widget showing customer sentiment
    • [SB-379] - Ability to delete a filled our customer satisfaction survey
    • [SB-380] - Add a new role option to lock down a roles ability to delete a submitted customer survy
    • [SB-382] - Ability to split an activity into a new cloned case from the case actions tab
    • [SB-383] - Added new sentiment score to company and contact views
    • [SB-384] - Add activity subject to template options
    • [SB-394] - Agent mentions now supported within discussions
    • [SB-399] - Editor now has an insert new insert images / files button
    • [SB-422] - A new button is available within the article template allowing the use of the knowledge base library
    • [SB-424] - Ability to paste in-line images from your clipboard into article and case editors
    • [SB-429] - Data views now can filter whether a case or an activity has missed or met their sla targets
    • [SB-432] - New dashboard widget showing SLA (service level) performance


    • [SB-368] - Add ability for multi-file uploading of attachments to case / article / activities
    • [SB-369] - Added timezone option to the data view
    • [SB-370] - Added ability to filter by time on the created/modified date
    • [SB-373] - When creating a view, trashed cases should be selected by default within the option "Not in Queue".
    • [SB-385] - Add template variables to subject lines
    • [SB-395] - Add ability to filter on issues within data views
    • [SB-396] - Add ability to filter on outcomes within data views
    • [SB-397] - Add ability to filter on case sentiment scores within data views
    • [SB-398] - Add ability to filter on activity sentiment scores within data views
    • [SB-401] - The variable {{case_priority}} is now included within template variables
    • [SB-411] - Search history on search drop down was becoming slow over time, it's much faster now
    • [SB-412] - Force Webkit browsers to stop pre-filling fields
    • [SB-423] - Toolbars within the article and template editors have been simplified


    • [SB-359] - Community cname is not mapping properly to the community alias
    • [SB-363] - Trailing white space within the main search breaks the term highlighting
    • [SB-367] - When adding a new data view, the name was not highlighted as a required field
    • [SB-375] - Unable to view incoming email activities with malformed mailto: url links.
    • [SB-376] - Incoming emails from MS Outlook include double <p> tags making the formatting off
    • [SB-381] - Divisions are incorrectly named categories within the workflow dropdown lists
    • [SB-386] - SLA workflows did not return the right SLA when multiple SLA with a priority were set
    • [SB-387] - Custom fields within the workflows did not populate or save correctly
    • [SB-388] - Workflows fired before activity content was created/changed making them not fire for content rules
    • [SB-389] - Custom fields within workflows did not take into account multi select and tag fields
    • [SB-390] - When changing filters / calendars on the main calendar, the date would jump
    • [SB-391] - New option for anyone to view team sick days / vacation days / stat holidays
    • [SB-392] - company_name variable for templates did not sometimes expand
    • [SB-393] - Scheduled Triggers are not firing
    • [SB-400] - Sentiment is not being recorded within the case, just activities
    • [SB-402] - Mentions within the Navbar did not follow the date or viewed restrictions
    • [SB-403] - Custom fields within workflows were not always checked and always fired
    • [SB-404] - Old cached auto-saved activities would never expire and be kept within local storage
    • [SB-405] - Activity time spent when creating new activities did not save correctly to the activity
    • [SB-406] - Searching with words that contain and, or, near where not displaying within search results
    • [SB-407] - Data views with closed cases displayed the SLA if due today
    • [SB-408] - Dashboard numbers included merged and cases posted within the forums
    • [SB-413] - Account storage signature key after expiry did not refresh on some occations
    • [SB-414] - Work queued items do not automatically notify agents unless they manually watch the queues
    • [SB-415] - Data views ignored case divisions when returning data
    • [SB-416] - Changing options within the command centre would cause the counts of the various badges in the system to reset to 0
    • [SB-417] - Data view counts for agents did not reflect the actual case count for that agent
    • [SB-418] - The image properties button did not work within the article editor
    • [SB-419] - Knowledge base templates did not reload after you save them
    • [SB-420] - Custom fields would sometimes not save for Companies, Contacts or Articles
    • [SB-421] - The update company and contact links would still be displayed if the company no longer existed
    • [SB-425] - The auto-save activity feature would not clear after creating / replying a new activity
    • [SB-426] - Alberta was missing from the list of provinces
    • [SB-427] - Can not search on companies with the the keywords "and" or "or" or "near" within their names
    • [SB-428] - Article template content would not load into the article editor
    • [SB-430] - Data views initial activity type was returning the last activity type and not the first
    • [SB-431] - Dashboard dates were not reflecting the actual time spans properly
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