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How to get your email into Supportbench

Support Bench is a tool that enables an organization to setup a ticket logging and monitoring system. As an organization, you may want to send emails into Supportbench from your application, or from outside. So, via Supportbench, you can create multiple such routes and setup multiple routes for tickets. One thing that you need to keep in mind is, Supportbench is not an email monitoring system, so even if it is spam, emails will be brought into your Supportbench; that is into your queues.

Setting up email routes is important to get the emails into appropriate queues, because this will enable that you to redirect emails into the bench and into the queues, thus saving time of segregating the emails.
After the email route is setup, you can configure your email server to forward emails to the address created by Support Bench for that particular route. The defaults set for a route can be altered by workflows based on the logic you desire.

Setting up an email route

  1. Login into Supportbench with the Admin credentials that have been provided to you.
  2. Click on the “Configuration” icon in the top bar.

  3. Scroll down the left menu and click on “Email Configuration”

  4. You will be taken to a screen that shows a list of Email Routes. You can Add, Edit, Delete Email routes on this screen.

Adding a route

  1. Click on the “New Route” button shown in the screen above.

  2. Enter the data here as required and click on “Save Changes” to save your data, or click on the cancel icon to go back to the previous route listing screen.
  3. Once a route is added, you can see the route added to the list with the route email address.  This route email address is unique to your account and is what you will need to forward all email to in order for the mail to be processed by Supportbench.
  4. You can edit the route by clicking anywhere on the row or delete the route by clicking on the “X”.


Forwarding your email into your route

In order to start receiving email into your route, you will need to setup email forwarding.  Email forwarding is a different process depending and depends on how your hosting or who is hosting your email.  We put together a list of common providers that should help you setup your forwarding. 



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