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Template Variables

Template variables are a great way to expand add functionality to your templates.  They allow you to create templates with dynamic content.  For instance, you could create a template which auto responds to a customer giving out the case id by using this variable {{case_id}}.

Global variables

Global variables are available in any template within the system including case templates and signatures.

{{case_id}}The case id.
{{created_by}}Who created this item.
{{contact_name}}The contact name assigned.
{{company_name}}The company name assigned.
{{article_id}}The article id.
{{activity_id}}The activity id.
{{company_id}}The company id.
{{contact_id}}The contact id.

Case variables

Case variable are specific to case templates and work flows.

{{emailfrom_name}}The incoming email contact full name on new email activities.
{{emailfrom_email}}The incoming email address on new email activities.
{{case_id}}The assigned case id.
{{owner_name}}The full name of the agent owner.
{{owner_email}}The email address of the agent owner.
{{queue_name}}The assigned queue name.
{{activity_created_by}}The full name of the agent that created the activity.
{{case_created_by}}The full name of the agent that created the case.
{{activity_created_on}}The date the activity was created on in UTC.
{{activity_created_on | <time zone id>}}The activity created date in a time zone specified format.
{{case_created_on}}The date the case was created on in UTC.
{{case_created_on | <time zone id>}}The date the case was created in a time zone specified format.
{{case_closed_on}}The date the case was closed on in UTC.
{{case_closed_on | <time zone id>}}The date the case was closed in a time zone specified format.
{{company_name}}The company name assigned.
{{contact_name}}The contact name of the assigned contact.
{{case_summary}}The case summary.
{{asset_name}}The assigned asset name.
{{case_status}}The current case status.
{{case_outcome}}The outcome of the case if closed.
{{case_subject}}The subject of the case / activity.
{{last_activity_content}}The last activity contents as HTML.
{{last_activity_content_XXX}}The last activity contents as plain text with a maximum of XXX characters. i.e. {{last_activity_content_160}}
{{community_url_to_case}}Return the default community URL case link for community users to access. 
{{linked_public_articles}}Return a list of articles associated to a case if any.
{{f_XX}}Return a case custom field value.  Within the fields section, you can find the field id and enter it within the tag which will translate to the value of the field. i.e. {{f_5}}.



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